Monday, September 12, 2011

100th year since Bill Monroe "Father of Bluegrass Music" was born

Bill Monroe was from Kentucky. He was born on September 13, 1911. He died in September 1996. He is considered the Father of Bluegrass Music and is commemorated in the Country Music Hall of Fame (see Wikipedia entry).

You can hear the Tom Powers production of a tribute to Bill Monroe on CBC Radio 2 by clicking HERE and then clicking on the play arrow. It is a terrific radio show that aired on the program "Deep Roots" on September 11th.

jimmacd's Store at Zazzle presents this lovely Mandolin iPhone case. Jim is a dog-lover who knows a lot about Mandolins:
Mandolin Scroll 4 case speckcase
Mandolin Scroll 4 case by jimmacd
View other iphone cases

As I learned at the Mandolin Cafe, Bluegrass artist Frank Wakefield has created a tribute to Bill Monroe that is available from