"EXAMPLE 3 - ANT MEDICINE: In Cherokee: (tsosudali nvwati)
One weekend I went to a seminar where the speaker happened to mention ants. He talked about their strength and determination, also how they were team players. Naturally, I sat there and thought about "ant medicine" and why I had to hear about ant life at that moment.
Ant medicine calls to our attention patience, persistence and endurance. While I sat there and listened, I thought about my level of patience and the nature of the topic at hand. "Ant people" know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It also says, "what is yours will come to you."
It told me that with trust and patience, God would provide. As I reviewed my situation, I realized that I was working very hard and hadn't been seeing the fruits of my labor. Honestly, there are no worries with ant medicine present. It also serves as a gentle reminder that patience does have its rewards."
Patience, persistence and endurance are valuable lessons. It is a little early for Christmas, but in eager anticipation: